Why are u surprised New Jersey didnt win the lottery?

4539341596_9c3b615697_bQuestion by Mr. T: Why are u surprised New Jersey didnt win the lottery?
Like I said many times in this section and like I said many times yesterday and the day before, The team with the best % chance of winning the lottery(the worst record in NBA) hasnt won the 1st overall pick in over 10 years. THis is not very uncommon. THis happens more often than not since the lottery system has been in use.
ROBERT- Cleveland was tied with Denver that year for worst record, and ur right about orlando though







Best answer:

Answer by Tony W
This is good, I do not like when teams tank seasons to get the first pick. The lottery helps that and New Jersey had the best chance, it isn’t like number ones turn out to be the best players, right? Kwame Brown, Greg Oden…

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!






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  1. I’m not surprised. The Nets had a 75% chance of NOT getting the first pick. It was more likely to be a different team.

  2. because the russian owner spoke too loud before the lottery , he should have waited until lottery was over to say all the things he said about getting lebron and all that. now he is disadvantage.

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