National Lottery Rainbow Advert

National Lottery has been making magic happen for 25 years. Time flies when you’re having fun and here at the National Lottery, the past 25 years have really flown by. With your help, we’ve raised a fantastic €4 billion for good causes across Ireland; given away over €6.3 billion in prizes to lucky players and created over 430 millionaires. See more and play online.

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National Lottery Rainbow Advert




National Lottery Rainbow Advert

National Lottery Rainbow Advert

National Lottery Rainbow Advert

National Lottery Rainbow Advert


  1. i think its ‘take 41′(or therabouts) from the g.i.blues film..which is the reason..nice tune..’dreamy’ as winning lotto is

  2. god..your a boring ‘fuck’ with that kinda is wrong with this ad.?..go strangle yourself,you’l hardly be missed

  3. Elvis sings “Pocketful of Rainbows”from the film G.I.Blues. Love you forever Elvis. Your music just keeps on being played and played. You will never be forgotten! Cant wait for the concert in the O2 in March. Hope it makes me feel like I was at a real Elvis concert as I never got to go to one while he was alive seeing as awful Col. Parker wouldnt let him do Europe!

  4. This ad hits all the typical ad agency marks.

    Dublin on it’s one sunny day of the year…check.

    In front of vaguely trendy building built during the Celtic Tiger years…check

    Look how hip and ethnic we are in Ireland, black couple, asian dude, multi-racial couples…check

    Corporate office drones discovering they really do have a soul after all…check

    Pass the sickbag…check

  5. My dad is the captain of one of the tugs they used in the add. 🙂 took em ages to get the rainbow right. Love seeing the add now 🙂

  6. A bit of cheer is all we need at the moment, this is a real mood lifter whenever it comes on. If only we could all win a bit now…

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