Lottery Method Review Launched to Explore Former Retailer’s Winning Secrets


Phoenix, AZ (PRWEB) July 16, 2012

Lottery method is gaining a dedicated following of players looking to improve their number-picking strategies in hopes of winning big. The latest review highlights Ace Lee’s methods, which he says can lead to some big wins.


Unlike many of the systems out there, Lottery Method doesn’t just choose random numbers and send them out to unsuspecting members. Ace Lee’s program is based on mathematical analysis and equations, not unlike the ones used by the group of M.I.T. students who created a card counting empire and made millions.


He says there’s three simple strategy mistakes most people use that hurts their chances of winning the lottery. The first is blindly selecting random numbers in the hopes of getting lucky. Secondly, many players choose loved ones birthdays or lucky numbers each week, only to find disappointment. Lastly, playing pick 3, 4 and 5 games depending on pure luck.


“If you answered yes to any of these questions, you’re doing it wrong,” Ace Lee said. “That’s because when it comes to playing these games, there is a system that you can use that will dramatically increase your chances of winning.”


Lottery method is a series of step-by-step guidelines for scratch-offs, Pick 3, Pick 4, Pick 5 and Pick 6 lottery games based on his mathematical equation that follows many of the same principles as card counting, which has become a widespread and legal way to win at the Blackjack tables.


Ace Lee simply devised a large-scale formula that he says will dramatically improve anyone’s chances of hitting it big. He developed his plan while working for years as a lotto-retailer. It was this experience that led him to believe there was more to winning the lottery than dumb luck.


“I studied lottery theory, strategy, odds, probability and patterns and began to devise my own system that would give the best chance of increasing the probability of winning the lottery,” Lee said. “I’d figured a way of of significantly increasing the probability of coming out on top, just like those guys at M.I.T.”


For those that are ready to buy the program should visit the official site here.


Lottery Method includes Ace Lee’s system as well as a 14 day free trial of his Lottery Circle software program, a lottery analysis software package that generates, hot, cold and overdue numbers for all the main lottery games. The bonus adds another level of fun and strategy to playing the lottery.


To learn more about Ace Lee’s Lottery Method or to gain access to his popular system, log onto the official site here.






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