How 15 Minutes of Facebook Silence Could Turn into a Lottery Win

How 15 Minutes of Facebook Silence

Could Turn into a Lottery Win

How 15 Minutes of Facebook Silence Could Turn into a Lottery WinThe hearts of Facebook users around the world paused in their chests when they discovered that Facebook was down on Thursday. For the first time in four years, Facebook was completely unavailable to anyone, sending masses to tweet, Instagram, and even Google+ about it. The outage lasted a full fifteen minutes — a lifetime for some of us — but still just enough to time to buy many life-changing lottery tickets!

The quarter of an hour in which Facebook was offline on Thursday meant some of us had to look outside the popular social network to see what else the deep waters of the internet had to offer. Being the lottery fans that we are, the first thing we grabbed for was, of course… an online lottery ticket! But once that was done, we were still left with so much time on our hands, so we decided to show you how to turn that time into gold next time you have 15 minutes—or even just 10 seconds—of downtime!

Step 1: Visit theLotter & Choose your Favourite Lottery Online!


Visit theLotter & Choose your Favourite Lottery Online!

Estimated amount of time spent: 1 second

Visit theLotter & Choose your Favourite Lottery Online!

We decided to go with the US Mega Millions for this example.


Because we’ve already spent numerous posts explaining why the Mega Millions is simply the most exciting and awesome lottery in the world, even when it’s not the lottery with the biggest jackpot at the moment. Those of you who prefer to focus on the big lotteries can go ahead and choose Quina (have you heard about the Quina de Sao Joao?) or the US Powerball.

Estimated amount of time spent: 5 seconds

Step 2: Buy your ticket!

Buy your ticket!

To save on time, we used the Quick Pick to generate our numbers. Players who prefer to select their own numbers can do so at their own leisure. Another great option is to save your numbers in your My Account tab, and then click My Lucky Numbers to fetch them!

Estimated amount of time spent: 1 second

Yield: 5 lines, meaning 5 chances at winning the Mega Millions jackpot or one of the Mega Millions secondary prizes!

Step 3: Click to Play!

Click to Play!

Estimated amount of time spent: 1 second

Step 4: Winning!
Kick back and relax with some tea and biscuits while you wait for your online lottery results. You can sign up for email updates, and you can have us notify you directly via SMS when you win!

Estimated amount of time spent: 0 seconds, because waiting is free.


Grand Total of Time Spent
8 seconds. 8 seconds was all it took from the moment Facebook went down, to when you grabbed your chance of becoming a lottery winner. But, I hear you thinking, Facebook was down for 15 minutes, not 8 seconds! What are we expected to do with the remaining 14 minutes and 52 seconds? Time is important!

The answer to that question is, of course, repeat it! In 15 minutes, lottery players can repeat these steps 112 times. Each repetition earns you 5 lines, which are 5 chances at becoming a lottery winner. In total, that comes out at about 563 chances to become a millionaire.

Grand jackpots, such as the aforementioned Quina de Sao Joao, currently worth R100 million, or the EuroMillions, worth €25 million at the moment, are currently up for grabs around the world!

And what are 15 minutes of Facebook downtime compared to the chance of winning a lottery jackpot?=

How 15 Minutes of Facebook Silence Could Turn into a Lottery Win








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